State institute property management organizations, meat and dairy industry, Minsk region (GU Minoblmyasomolprom) – one of the largest associations of meat and dairy industry of the Republic of Belarus. It consists of 13 institutions for processing milk, 4 meat processing factories, butter and cheese making factory, repair and construction management, located in the district centers of the Minsk region.
In accordance to the decision of the Minsk regional executive committee of 22.09.1986 №189 and the Order of the Agro-Industrial Committee of the Minsk region of 27.10.1986 № 359 on the basis of the abolished Minsk Regional Production Association Dairy was established Minsk Regional Production Association of meat and dairy industries, which consisted of 22 dairy companies, two meat-packing plant, butter and cheese making factory, repair and construction management.
During its existence the Minsk Regional Production Association of meat and dairy industries (which was later in Minsk “Myasomoloko”) has undergone several reorganizations.
As a result of corporatisation in 1995, the organizations of processing industry of Minsk region were transformed into joint stock companies.
By the decision of Minsk regional executive committee of 02.12.1996 № 90 Minsk “Myasomoloko” transformed in the Minsk State “PO Myasomoloko” that by the decision of the Minsk regional executive committee of 25.06.2001 № 436 was reorganized through changes in Minsk Regional Production Unitary Enterprise “Myasomoloko”, and then by the decision of the Minsk regional executive committee of 20.02.2002 № 104 was liquidated.
In August 2002, in accordance to the decision of the Minsk regional executive committee of 07.08.2002 № 543 on the basis of the trade of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee, through its transformation, it was established governmental institutions to manage trade in the Minsk region, processing and marketing of products “Minobltorgprodprom (GU Minobltorgprodprom”), which by decision of Minsk Regional Executive Committee of 03.06.2004 № 504, was reorganized by merging with the Minsk regional unitary enterprise “Minskoblplodoovoschhoz” the state agency to manage trade, production, processing and marketing of products in the Minsk region “Minoblselhozprodukt (GU Minoblselhozprodukt).
Public institution “Minoblselhozprodukt” by the decision of the Minsk regional executive committee of 16.03.2006 № 240 was reorganized by separation on a State institution “Minoblmyasomoltorg” and State enterprise “Minoblplodoovoschtorg.
In June 2007, by decision of the Minsk regional executive committee of 28.06.2007 № 716 was created the Office of Trade and Services of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee, who was transferred functions of the trade and services from the State Institution “Minoblmyasomoltorg” Minsk region, and the state institutions “Minoblmyasomoltorg” in accordance to the decision of the Minsk regional executive committee of 16.11.2007 № 1360 was renamed as the State Administration for property management organizations, meat and dairy industry of Minsk Region “Minoblmyasomolprom (GU Minoblmyasomolprom).
In the period before October 2002 processing organizations of Minsk and Minsk region were in the same production structure. Joint decision of the Minsk regional executive committee and Minsk city executive committee of 16.10.2002 № 721/1544 was made donations processing organizations in Minsk from the communal property of the Minsk region to communal ownership of Minsk.
In order to implement the Programme of development of dairy and meat industry, approved by the Council of Ministers of 15.07.2005 № 792, cost reduction, concentration and specialization in production since 2005 in the Minsk region were carried out work to optimize the number of dairy plants. On 01.01.2008. their number has decreased from 21 to 14 (Pukhovichi, Uzda and Stolbtsy dairy plants, Logoiski and Starodorogzky butter factory converted into production sectors, Nesvizhsky milk factory was reorganized into a branch, Cherven dairy plant – eliminated).